To be keeping rhythm is to be living in harmony with your self, your time and your place. It is curiosity: a state of wonder about life, pattern and meaning. It is un-learning in order to move towards truthfulness. It is listening for insight and following the guidance you receive. It is discernment: between fear and intuition, between your own voice and the voices of others. It is paying attention to the messages of the seasons. It is moving with divine timing pausing or l e a p i n g to dance the dance with grace. It is trusting: that what is meant for you is moving toward you and all you need to do is stay open. It is honouring the shedding of skins, the births and openings, the losses and miracles. It is wholehearted, unwavering belief in the power of intention to manifest your innate potential.

स्वाध्यायादिष्टदेवता संप्रयोगः

“Study thy self, discover the divine”

Yoga Sutra of Patanjali II.44



Anna teaches tantra: the path of intimacy with all of life. She is trained in the ISHTA yoga lineage and holds degrees in psychology and education. Anna is the author of Everything I Do Not Know. A prose-poetry exploration of spirituality, mental health and living a life attuned to the divine.